Our newest paper (pdf available on my publications page), led by Kaija Gahm is just out in the Journal of Experimental Zoology as part of special issue on herp physiology that came out of the World Congress of Herpetology last January.
The study:
One of the most consistent findings arising from 20 years of study in our lab is that wood frogs seem to adapt to life in cold, dark ponds. In general, cold-blooded animals like reptiles and amphibians are not suited for the cold and function much better in warmer conditions. So, wood frogs that live in colder ponds should have a harder time competing against their neighbors in warmer ponds.
In response, cold-pond wood frogs seem to have developed adaptations that level the playing field. In separate experiments, we’ve found that wood frog tadpoles in cold-ponds tend to seek out warmer water (like in sunflecks) and have lower tolerance to extremely warm temperatures. Most importantly, they can mature faster as eggs and larvae.
But I’ve always struggled with a lingering question: if cold pond frogs have adapted these beneficial adaptation to compete with warm-pond frogs, what is keeping those genes out of the warm-ponds? Shouldn’t cold-pond genes in a warm pond mean double the benefits? One would expect the extrinsic environmental influence and the intrinsically elevated growth rates to produce super tadpoles that metamorphose and leave the ponds long before all the others.
Kaija, who was an undergrad in the lab at the time, decide to tackle that question for her senior thesis.
We hypothesized that there might be a cost to developing too quickly. Studies in fish suggested that the trade-off could be between development and performance. The idea is that, like building Ikea furniture, if you build the tissue of a tadpole too quickly, the price is loss of performance.

So we collected eggs from 10 frog ponds that spanned the gradient from sunny and warm to dark and cold. We split clutches across two incubators that we set to bracket the warmest and coldest of the ponds.
Then we played parents to 400 tadpoles, feeding and changing water in 400 jars two to three times a week.

We reared the tadpoles to an appropriate age (Gosner stage 35ish). Those in the warm incubator developed about 68% faster than those in the cold incubator. In addition to our lab-reared tadpoles, we also captured tadpoles from the same ponds in the wild as a comparison. Development rates in the lab perfectly bounded those in the wild.

Once they reached an appropriate size, we put them to the test. We simulated a predator attack by a dragon fly naiad by poking them in the tale. Dragonfly naiads are fast, fierce, tadpole-eating machines and a tadpole’s fast-twitch flight response is a good indicator of their chance of evading their insect hunters. It’s a measure of performance that directly relates to a tadpole’s fitness.
Above the test arenas, we positioned highspeed cameras to capture the tadpoles’ burst responses. We recorded 1245 trials, to be exact—way more than we ever wanted to track by hand. Fortunately, Kaija is a wiz at coding; and with a bit of help, she was able to write a Matlab script that could identify the centroid of a tadpole and record its position 60 times per second.

We measured the tadpoles’ speed during the first half second of their burst response and looked for an association with their developmental rates. One complicating factor is that a tadpole’s fin and body shape can influence burst speeds. So, a weak tadpole with a giant fin might have a similar burst speed to a super fit tadpole with a small fin. To account for this, we took photos of each tadpole and ran a separate analysis mapping their morphometry and included body shape into our models.

As we had hypothesized, tadpoles reared at warmer temperatures show much slower burst speed than their genetic half-sibling reared in the cold incubator. We even saw a similar, but weaker effect for the tadpoles that were allowed to develop in their natal ponds. It seems that developing too fast reduces performance.

Thus, it certainly seems that the counter-gradient pattern we see of faster development in cold-pond populations, but not in warm-pond populations, is at least partially driven by the trade-off between development rate and performance.
In fact, it may even be the case that we’ve been viewing the pattern backwards all along. Perhaps instead we should consider if warm-pond populations have developed adaptively slower development rates to avoid the performance cost. This especially makes sense given the range of wood frogs. Our populations are at the warm, southern end of the range. Maybe this tradeoff is also a factor constraining wood frogs to the cold north of the continent?

If warm weather and faster development are a real liability for wood frogs, it is only going to get worse in the future. We know from another recent study that our ponds have been warming quickly, especially during the late spring and early summer months. But climate change is also causing snow to fall later in the winter forcing frogs to breed later. The net result is that wood frogs may be forced to develop fast intrinsic developmental rates in response to a contracting developmental window, while at the same time, extrinsic forces drive development even faster. That’s a double whammy in the trade-off with performance. And might lead to too many “Ikea furniture mistakes” at the cellular level.
As a separate part of this study, we also measured metabolic rates in out tadpoles in hopes of understanding the relationship between developmental rates, performance, and cellular respiration. I’m in the process of analyzing those data, so stay tuned for more!